Programs Documentation For TTVN/Audio
-This program collects all paths that has MP3 files and insert a record for each in Adm_ThuyetPhap.mdb.
-It skips those folders that had been collected before.
-It opens Adm_Listmaintenance.asp after it finishes the task.
-This program lists all records in the database and provides links to edit (Sửa Đổi) or to delete (Xoá) records.
-If "Sửa Đổi" is chosen, it passes the record ID to Adm_EditRecord.asp
-If "Xoá" is chosen, it passes the record ID to Adm_DeleteRecord.asp
-This web page opens the record for user to edit/change it's fields.
-If user submit changes, updated data is passed to Adm_UpdateRecord.asp.
-Otherwise, user can choose to return to List Maintenance.
-This program only receives call from Adm_EditRecord.asp to update the database then opens Adm_ListMaintenance.asp.
-This program lists the fields of the record to be delete and provides an opportunity for the user to confirm deletetion or go back to List Maintenance.
-If confirmed, it passes the record ID to Adm_DeleteRecord2.asp.
-This program deletes the record then opens Adm_ListMaintenance.asp.
-This program provides user an interface to send query to change database.
-This program reads the database and generates the list of links to các Bài Giảng.
-Index.asp passes a record ID to this program. It opens the record and uses the fields from the database record, reads mp3 files from the involved folder then assembles to web page for use.
Get Next Unique ID
-This program give user next unique ID to assign to folder name's last 4 characters.
-This is the database which stores các Bài Giảng data.